Submissions for Issue 10 are now closed

Come back in June of 2025 to experience this special issue. Thanks to all who have trusted us with their work.

General Submission Guidelines

45th Parallel accepts original, previously unpublished, creative work in fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and visual art.

We especially welcome work from writers underrepresented in the literary community. This includes, but is not limited to, artists and writers who identify as Black, Indigenous, people of color, people with disabilities, and the LGBTQIA2S+ community.

As a student-run journal, 45th Parallel’s aesthetics change from year to year, but we always seek work that takes risks, plays with contemporary and traditional styles, and innovates form. We’d rather see the writing and art you’re excited about over ambiguous ideas of “best.”

Contributors to 45th Parallel will receive one print copy of Issue 10.

General submissions will be considered for publication in Issue 10, as well as submissions related to the theme below.

Special for Issue 10!

For this upcoming issue, 45th Parallel seeks work that engages the creative spirit with outside fields of thought, such as science and all the -ologies of the world. This is work that puts the “Art” in STEAM, finds inspiration in technical literature and graphs, or envisions ecological futures. The possibilities are endless.

The idea is not to translate science into art or art into science, but to explore how both areas of thought seek to understand a thing first and foremost. Show us how you bring these mediums back together, as they have always been.

General Guidelines

  • Format and proofread your work carefully before submitting

  • Remove all identifying information from your submission, including name and address

  • We only except unpublished work. If your work has appeared in another journal, blog, social media, or any other form, it is ineligible

  • We do not accept work from recent (within the last three years) Oregon State University students

  • Include a brief cover letter and bio statement through the Submittable form

  • Please include any content warnings under work title(s) for our readers

  • Writing should use Times New Roman or Garamond font (12-point please)

  • Refer to the Guidelines by Genre below for additional submission requirements

  • We happily accept simultaneous submissions, but please let us know if your work becomes unavailable—congratulations!—through the messaging portal on Submittable

  • Submissions sent via email will not be read or considered

45th Parallel does not accept work that has been generated by Artificial Intelligence (A.I.).

45th Parallel holds first publication rights, after which rights revert to the author. For reprints, we ask for acknowledgment of publication in 45th Parallel.

We do our best to respond to all work within eight months. If you still haven’t heard from us after eight months, feel free to contact us regarding your status.

Guidelines by Genre

  • Please submit up to three poems of no more than five pages. Poems may be single spaced or in their final format.

    General submissions, and poetry in the spirit of interdisciplinary work, are welcome. We are particularly interested in poems that explore formal structures ranging from the traditional to the experimental, as well as poems that dissolve the boundaries between art and science.

  • Please submit one essay up to 3,000 words in length, or two flash essays of 1,000 words each. Double space your work and include page numbers.

    We are interested in all types of creative nonfiction, from researched essays to memoirs to hybrid explorations. Whether traditional or experimental in form, successful submissions push against the typical bounds of the creative nonfiction genre and expand our understanding of what the essay can accomplish. We love work with crisp language, evocative imagery, and an effective blend of commentary and scene.

  • Please submit a single piece of fiction up to 5,000 words in length, or two pieces of flash fiction under 1,000 words each. Double space your work and include page numbers.

    Simply put, we are looking for the stories that excite you. All types of fiction are considered. We love pieces that blend genres and engage thoughtfully with other fields of study. We encourage you to submit stories that take risks and embrace experimentation.

  • Please submit up to 5 pieces of artwork in PDF, JPG, and PNG file types. For publication we will need high resolution images.

    We are looking for artwork of all media and styles—if you were compelled to make it, we want to see it. Individual pieces that can stand on their own as well as series, including comics and graphic art, are welcomed. While we are accepting art of all kinds, we highly encourage submissions that represent or illustrate the interdisciplinary theme.